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Audiology services offered include:

  • Bulk billing for patients with valid care plans/CDM/EPC management plans from General Practitioners
  • As an Independent Accredited Provider of the Australian Government’s Hearing Services Program (HSP), I provide;
  1.  Free hearing tests
  2.  Free hearing aids
  3.  Free assistive listening devices (as per the Fully Subsidized List of Approved Devices)

Eligible patients to the HSP program include:

  • Pensioner Concession Card Holders, Department of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA) Gold Card Holder (all) and White Card Holder (issued for specific conditions such as hearing loss)
  • DES Employment Support Service (ESS) and Disability Management Service (DMS) participants
  • National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participant with hearing needs

Please call us on 03 87593807 to book an appointment.

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